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Perfume ÜRGMETS – pristine forest

Monthly payment from 9,01 / 6 months


Eau de Parfum, 16ml

Woody and fresh natural perfume. Untouched nature and endless greenness. Traces of animals on the ground and birds singing above in the trees, pristine forest smells like a mystic and unseen nature where strong woody aromas and lighter earthy tones blend. Cedarwood notes are woody and lightly sweet, they are balanced with the earthy and nut-like smell of myrrh.

Perfume main notes:

  • Cedarwood
  • Myrrh
  • Pink grapefruit

All perfumes are made in small batches and by hand, using certified organic essential oils, they are toxin free and not tested on animals.

Aqua, Alcohol*, Aroma(essential oils)*, limoneen**, linalool**, a-pineen**
*certified organic ingredients
**potential allergens (natural components of essential oils)

It is recommended to spray 1-2 times per one time. Use only externally, avoid the face area. Keep away from direct sunlight.

Perfume includes essential oils, if you are allergic to any of these or pregnant, we do not recommend to use this perfume.

Eau de Parfum, 16ml

Puidune ja värske parfüüm.
Iseloom: puutumatu loodus ja lõpmatu rohelus. Salapärane ja mõistatuslik äratab aukartust, kuid tekitab tunde, mis on tuttav ammustest aegadest. Ürgmets lõhnab vabaduse järele.

Metsikut seedripuu aroomi tasakaalustab tagasihoidlik vaigune mürr, värskust lisab kerge tsitruseline greip.

Peamised lõhnanoodid:

  • Seedripuu
  • Mürr
  • Greip

orgaanilised sertifitseeritud eeterilikud õlid, mahepiiritus (Eesti teraviljadest), vesi, limoneen**, linalool**,  a-pineen**

* võimalikud allergeenid (looduslike õlide komponendid)

Soovitatavalt 1-2 piserdust nahale korraga. Välispidiseks kasutamiseks, vältida näopiirkonda. Hoida eemal päikesevalgusest.
Parfüümis on kasutatud orgaanilise eeterlike õlisid, kui oled allergiline mõnele õlile, lapseootel või imetamas, siis soovitame toodet mitte kasutada.

Shipping: 3-7 working days

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SKU: Hurm-perfume-urgmets


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Good quality.The product is firmly packed.Good service.Very well worth the money.Very fast delivery.

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