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MADEIRA Sunglasses – Golden

Monthly payment from 5,87 / 6 months


Wearing MADEIRA Golden sunglasses adds a confident finishing touch to your look. Crafted from high-quality materials, these sunglasses ensure durability and elegance. Our glasses are designed with technology to protect your eyes from UV light rays. The quality frames add a nice spark of style to your appearance. Wearing our glasses, you can comfortably spend time outdoors without the sun’s rays affecting your eyes.

  • Lenses: Polarized UV-400 Protection
  • Comes with a carrying case
  • Unisex

EE: MADEIRA päikeseprillidest loeb kohe välja uudsuse ja enesekindluse. Päikeseprillid on valmistatud kvaliteetsetest materjalidest, tagades vastupidavuse ja elegantsuse.

  • Klaaside värv: Tume
  • Prillidega tuleb kaasa kott

Sinine Valgus on kodumaine Eesti bränd, mille missiooniks on modernses nutimaailmas inimeste silmi hoida. Tänapäeval on inimesed erinevate ekraanide ees 5-8 tundi päevas ning silmadesse jõuab ebaloomulik kogus sinist valgust, mis ajapikku tervist kahjustab. Lisaks silmade kaitsmisele paneb bränd rõhku ka heale välimusele. Kuna tegemist on 0-klaasidega, sobivad need kandmiseks kõigile.

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Delivery times depend on the destination and product; most orders are delivered within 3-7 working days in the EU (In Estonia usually 1-3 days). Please contact [email protected] for further information.
SKU: madeira-golden-sunglasses


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Good quality.The product is firmly packed.Good service.Very well worth the money.Very fast delivery.

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